BOOTH Packages
BASE - $400
5 x Free Express Entries
1 x 700ml Belvedere Bottle
5 x Sour Puss Shots
5 x Red Bull Cans
Access to a private booth for two hours
10 x Free Express Entries
2 x 700ml Belvedere Bottles
1 x Sour Puss Bottle
10 x Red Bull Cans
Access to a private booth for two hours.
PREMIERE - $1750
15 x Free Express Entries
1 x 3L Belvedere Bottle
2 x Sour Puss Bottle
15 x Red Bull Cans
Access to a private booth for three hours.
Fill out the form below to book a booth.
Please note
A booth does not guarantee entry to Glamorama.
Glamorama retains the right to refuse entry for any or no reason but especially intoxication or dress code.
Booths must be confirmed by a staff member otherwise they are not valid.